The happy endings are subtle and incomplete but they are there, it works because happiness itself is often subtle and incomplete.
So, why
"All religion doesn't make sense for me. The thing is, you're my brother (pointing Aryo), you're my brother (pointing taxi driver), he's my brother (pointing Tucker), you're, of course, my brother (pointing me). I don't see any urgency to hate anyone, or force anyone to do what we do. Why we can't have a life like this?"
Tim, Californian guy, after all our religion talks on the way back town.
Tim, Californian guy, after all our religion talks on the way back town.
Me and my kiddy issue
Maybe it's because my childhood memories filled with a constant happiness. Or childhood has became the best several years in my life ever. I never really move on. I love everything related to kids. I love wandering around in toys r us, kids station, or toys kingdom. I love cartoon network more than fox or e!. I love being around dozens kids and listening them laughing for unnecessary things, mumbling their imagination or their ordinary daily routine. My heart could automatically warm seeing that tiny little dress, or tiny little shoes.
I never realized that I have never really move on before. Until my volunteer work, which I've been enjoy participating this past six months, have a strong connection with children. Until my own thesis-which as a political science student we usually bring a serious matter-is related to children. Too bad. I never really move on.
This I write after a long surfs for my reading course, the first path to get my thesis done. Though I haven't decided the exact country yet, but the theme that I chose has stealing my attention ever since. In third world country, including ours, this isn't a primary issue, not even a political matters yet. But we should think forward, shouldn't we? I mean, we (third world creepy countries) gotta do some great leaps to rise.
I'm interested in a child care policy. To learn from the best, yes it's in a Scandinavian countries. Child care is a super humble and modest concept. To narrow it down, I specifically want to explore about day care. Remember in Toys Story 3 when the toys are mistakenly delivered to a day care center? Yes, that's what I mean, a day care day care. Place where the kids are stay when their parents work. At the noon, their parents pick them up to the home.
What so special about that? Parenthood, people, is somehow intervened by state. That haven't been occurred yet here in our country. We know better that woman, who accused as a citizen of the carer, seemingly have no choice in raising their child or being a wage earner. With this concept, state simply facilitate woman to enter the workforce by providing a child care. So they could become a part of it without ignoring the needs of their children. In addition, with the provision and subsidiary from the state, quality of child care has been proven bring a good result for the children. Norway, with its child care policy, has became a country with the best quality of children well being hand in hand with its equality among man and woman employment. 'Child Care Is A Right' has been internalized in citizen's mind as well.
Historically speaking, far beyond the idea of equality of man and woman in labor force, to arrive in this situation it takes a long and harsh debate among the feminist scholars to break a paradigm in this patriarchal society. Scandinavian countries has conquered it first among all the countries, that way, engendering politics become one of their strongest political image. Engendering is such a verb, means taking into consideration the gender matter, in the name of avoid discrimination, in every policy or procedure that government takes.
That will be my thesis' theme which I will explore deeper and deeper in the next one year. I love it when I typed 'national child care policy' in youtube then appeared faces of cute kids and lovely day care along with political debates.
Wish me luck, please?
I never realized that I have never really move on before. Until my volunteer work, which I've been enjoy participating this past six months, have a strong connection with children. Until my own thesis-which as a political science student we usually bring a serious matter-is related to children. Too bad. I never really move on.
This I write after a long surfs for my reading course, the first path to get my thesis done. Though I haven't decided the exact country yet, but the theme that I chose has stealing my attention ever since. In third world country, including ours, this isn't a primary issue, not even a political matters yet. But we should think forward, shouldn't we? I mean, we (third world creepy countries) gotta do some great leaps to rise.
I'm interested in a child care policy. To learn from the best, yes it's in a Scandinavian countries. Child care is a super humble and modest concept. To narrow it down, I specifically want to explore about day care. Remember in Toys Story 3 when the toys are mistakenly delivered to a day care center? Yes, that's what I mean, a day care day care. Place where the kids are stay when their parents work. At the noon, their parents pick them up to the home.
What so special about that? Parenthood, people, is somehow intervened by state. That haven't been occurred yet here in our country. We know better that woman, who accused as a citizen of the carer, seemingly have no choice in raising their child or being a wage earner. With this concept, state simply facilitate woman to enter the workforce by providing a child care. So they could become a part of it without ignoring the needs of their children. In addition, with the provision and subsidiary from the state, quality of child care has been proven bring a good result for the children. Norway, with its child care policy, has became a country with the best quality of children well being hand in hand with its equality among man and woman employment. 'Child Care Is A Right' has been internalized in citizen's mind as well.
Historically speaking, far beyond the idea of equality of man and woman in labor force, to arrive in this situation it takes a long and harsh debate among the feminist scholars to break a paradigm in this patriarchal society. Scandinavian countries has conquered it first among all the countries, that way, engendering politics become one of their strongest political image. Engendering is such a verb, means taking into consideration the gender matter, in the name of avoid discrimination, in every policy or procedure that government takes.
That will be my thesis' theme which I will explore deeper and deeper in the next one year. I love it when I typed 'national child care policy' in youtube then appeared faces of cute kids and lovely day care along with political debates.
Wish me luck, please?
April's almost over and no single post has been written here. Pardon my lazy fingers.
This I wrote a quick post (just because I bought a new modem) about what happened lately in my mediocre world. None of them are quite interesting except my brand new hobby.
I enrolled myself in a fitness center. Interesting, isn't it?
You know I'm not the type of sporty girl, I got average score for sports subject in school. I definitely out of breath while I run. The reason that made me decided to pay couple hundreds of thousands rupiahs a month, is quite pathetic though. To distract me in being lonely. What a lame, huh.
Yes I gotta admit that this semester I have so much spare time (but not for this week, ironically writing). I have no class in Monday and Wednesday. I got no organization responsibility (just several temporary committees). I have an independent relationship (not co-dependent (like others) fortunately).
And a fat belly.
So there I am.
Thirty minutes of treadmill is mandatory, followed with twenty minutes of cycling or another cardio workout. About 200kcal will be burnt that way. You know I'm a big fan of daydreaming, I love it when my mind going anywhere while my body also doing its best job. My abdominal muscles and its friends (I can't even mention another name because I forgot) exercises happily by many equipments, I like to try many cool tools I've never know it was existed. Besides my suka-suka-gue workout, I tried many kind of classes. Like yoga, pilates, low impact, zumba, and spinning. Frankly, these are fun and make me feel better about my own body.
My trainer (who once measured my fat percentage (which I can't decide whether he is gay or not)) is welcoming cordially a new comer like me. Though new comer can be so stupid sometimes (like using many tools wrongly), he looks okay. I'm addicted to placed myself there.
Oh, and my (most) favorite part is its hot water shower. And I still could workout whether I'm in Depok, or Bandung (nah I'm tired of that two separated world dramas).
I never know if selfishness could be felt this nice.
This I wrote a quick post (just because I bought a new modem) about what happened lately in my mediocre world. None of them are quite interesting except my brand new hobby.
I enrolled myself in a fitness center. Interesting, isn't it?
You know I'm not the type of sporty girl, I got average score for sports subject in school. I definitely out of breath while I run. The reason that made me decided to pay couple hundreds of thousands rupiahs a month, is quite pathetic though. To distract me in being lonely. What a lame, huh.
Yes I gotta admit that this semester I have so much spare time (but not for this week, ironically writing). I have no class in Monday and Wednesday. I got no organization responsibility (just several temporary committees). I have an independent relationship (not co-dependent (like others) fortunately).
And a fat belly.
So there I am.
Thirty minutes of treadmill is mandatory, followed with twenty minutes of cycling or another cardio workout. About 200kcal will be burnt that way. You know I'm a big fan of daydreaming, I love it when my mind going anywhere while my body also doing its best job. My abdominal muscles and its friends (I can't even mention another name because I forgot) exercises happily by many equipments, I like to try many cool tools I've never know it was existed. Besides my suka-suka-gue workout, I tried many kind of classes. Like yoga, pilates, low impact, zumba, and spinning. Frankly, these are fun and make me feel better about my own body.
My trainer (who once measured my fat percentage (which I can't decide whether he is gay or not)) is welcoming cordially a new comer like me. Though new comer can be so stupid sometimes (like using many tools wrongly), he looks okay. I'm addicted to placed myself there.
Oh, and my (most) favorite part is its hot water shower. And I still could workout whether I'm in Depok, or Bandung (nah I'm tired of that two separated world dramas).
I never know if selfishness could be felt this nice.
Liburan Yang Tertukar
You know how sucks I am at making title, jadi... Ini adalah cerita tentang liburan yang tertukar beserta itinerary yang cukup berkesan di hati para penggemarnya *baru opening udah naon*. Mengapa liburan yang tertukar??
Alkisah pada suatu malam yang cerah sekitar bulan Mei 2012, dua orang manusia yang biasa saja via bbm memutuskan untuk random beli tiket air asia ke jogja karena sedang harga promo. Memakai kartu kredit mamanya manusia yang satunya, tiket itu pun dibayar untuk nanti: 14 Februari 2013. Tiga tiket dibeli begitu saja seperti angin yang berhembus lalu kami pun lupa dan melanjutkan hidup seperti biasanya.
Terus dimana poin ketukernya? -.-
Iya, jadi gini, bulan demi bulan pun berlalu. Tak ada penantian yang berarti (gue totally lupa pernah iseng beli tiket pesawat ke jogja). Kami kira, 14 Februari itu masih liburan, jadi unyu kan liburan bareng gitu? Tapi ternyata.. 14 Februari yang mana hari Kamis itu sudah masuk masa perkuliahan. Jeng jeng. Iya, jadi itu tertukarnya. Pas liburan gue ga kemana-mana cuma di Bandung Depok aja urusin sesuatu dan rempong-rempong Aa mau nikah. Eh pas masanya kuliah, gue malah bolos untuk liburan. Dimana hari Kamis ternyata ada 3 matakuliah dan Jumat juga ada 1 matkul. Krik krik.
Ya sudah, jalan-jalan triumph over kelas lah ya *digebuk dikti* *dicabut beasiswanya* *astagfiruloh*
Meski dengan rasa guilty karena meninggalkan kuliah-kuliah malang, serta 1 pleno, 1 teambuilding, dan 1 photoshoot himpunan buat yearbook, tapi gue orangnya teguh pendirian dan pantang menyerah. Udah pilih yang ini duluan sih. #elah #bilangajapengenjalanjalan
Se-tertukar itu liburannya jadi gapunya banyak persiapan. Kamera ketinggalan di Bandung, kameranya Odri juga lagi dipinjem uwa ke Mekah. Jadi by ipad dan hp aja momen-momen langka ini diabadikan. Makanya kalo rada ga jelas foto-fotonya, maap-maap ya.
Malam kemisnya gue udah pesen taksi buat berangkat jam 5 subuh ke rumah Odreh kemudian lanjut ke bandara. Lebay ya jam 5? Abis Jakarta kalo macet kan suka ga pake logika. Terus menurut gue ya kalo ke bandara itu lebih kerasa feelnya kalo pas langit masih gelap #udahiyainaja. Kamis subuh, berangkatlah gadis gendut ini dari kosannya di bilangan depok ke lauser ato mestik ato kebayoran baru ato rumah odri, you name it. Supirnya botak dan kepo, keponya tukang taksi deh biasa, akhirnya gue basa-basi sambil ngantuk-ngantuk. Traffic emang ga pernah bisa diperkirakan, ternyata jalanan lancar banget dan jam 6 udah sampe di depan rumah odri, flightnya jam 10 btw, kepagian bok. Sampe rumah odri, mamanya odri dan odrinya belon mandi dan belum sarapan. Tukang taksinya gue suruh tunggu aja, untung doi botak-botak selow gitu tipenya. Mihi.
Hold your breath, karena kita mulai memasuki part yang cukup unyu. Gue bikinin sarapan untuk kak rani (sepupunya odri), odri, dan mamanya :3. Cuman mi goreng sama roti-bakar-agak-ancur-gajelas sih, wehehe. Tapi mamanya bilang mi gorengnya enak banget, sampe bbm lagi sepulangnya dari jogja untuk minta dibikinin. Gue ga ngerti harus seneng atau apa.. Karena mi itu bener-bener cuma indomie biasa aja. Padahal mamanya odri udah sangat pro dalam masak memasak dish apapun. Hufty. Setelah sekitar beberapa lama akhirnya kami semua menaiki taksi bapak botak tersebut untuk langsung ke bandara. Yipiy!
Take off dan landing yang cukup mulus untuk ukuran pesawat kecil yang kami tumpangi, siang harinya Jogjakarta menyambut kami dengan udara hangat dan bandara adisucipto yang supermini kalo dibandingin sama soetta. Sampe di bandara, langsung dikerubungin tukang taksi yang nawar-nawarin tumpangan. Ga ada bluebird di jogja, semuanya taksi koperasi atau swasta kecil-kecil aja. Biar ga matiin usaha lokal katanya. Bagus ya. Pilihan kita jatuh pada taksi avanza yang menawarkan rate paling murah dari adisucipto ke Malioboro, hotel yang udah di booking itu letaknya di jalan Dagen persis di Malioboro. Mas-mas yang nyetirin taksi avanza itu ternyata berhasil merebut hati kami bertiga, karena sebelum ke hotel mau nungguin kita makan dulu di suatu tempat gudeg yang bikin gembira pas bayar (enak dan muraah), jadi besoknya kami berencana untuk memakai jasanya menemani kami berkeliling-keliling di kota jogja yang lovely ini.
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Mamanya Odri setengah maksa minta fotoin dulu di lobi hotel. Wehe |
Mamanya Odri ngidam banget sama bakso di deket hotel karena masaknya masih pake tungku api yang pake kayu itu, katanya rasanya bakal beda. Jadi malemnya kita cobain bakso itu, dan ternyata tidak mengecewakan karena harganya pun hanya tujuh ribu rupiah semangkok. Bahagia. Malem itu ujan rintik-rintik, tadinya ingin ke alun-alun tapi ga memungkinkan karena disana kan outdoor semua. Kami memutuskan untuk ngemil-ngemil lucu di Raminten. Raminten itu semacam tempat makan yang aneh, aneh pelayannya, aneh bau dupa nya, aneh ngantrinya, aneh aja lah pokoknya menurut gue. Haha.
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Minuman tradisional yang fancy dengan harga ramah kantong |
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Mamanya odri (lagi-lagi) setengah maksa mau fotoin tapi odrinya gakmau. Wkwk |
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Shin Min Dong |
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Shin Min Dong dan Mamanya |
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Rumah Shin Min Dong. Bukan deng, the holy Prambanan |
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Backlight parah. Shin Min Dong yang fotoin |
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Tahu telupat |
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Keraton Jogjakarta |
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Taman Sari, sumpah pengen nyebur banget rasanya kemarin |
Malemnya, kami memutuskan untuk makan di bakmi pele di alun-alun keraton sambil sekalian main di alun-alun yang ada dua beringinnya. Untungnya malam itu ga ujan, yeay, dari Malioboro kita naik becak kesana. Guess what, saking unyunya kita naik becak bertiga dengan gue yang dipangku odri dan mamanya. Udah kayak adeknya aja yakan. Itu konyol banget kita ketawa-ketawa di becak, gue juga ketawa-ketawa sambil takut karena gue jadi ngerasa tinggi banget sepantar sama abang becaknya. Haha.
Bakmi pele itu penuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh banget, ada kali sekitar satu jam kita nunggu pesenannya dateng. Pas pesenan dateng, ternyata odri salah mesenin gue. Huhu bete. Nah abis makan kita ngebecak lagi deh ke alun-alun yang rame kalo malem itu. Ada sepeda-sepeda kelap kelip lampunya, ada mainan segala macem, waktu gue kesitu sama ijjah, cindy, dan teh aqisth, entah kenapa rasanya seru banget, mungkin karena perdana kali ya. Yang ini gue ngikutin aja odri dan mamanya mau ngapain, eh ternyata ga ngapa-ngapain cuma jalan-jalan aja liat liat sekitar karena mungkin merasa gak semuda itu buat tolol-tololan nyebrangin beringin kembar sambil merem dan kurang orang untuk naik sepeda heboh yang ada lampunya. Wkwk. Terus pulangnya naik becak yang terpisah. Gatau kenapa. Hari itu rasanya gue capek ngetnget, baru inget emang sebelum berangkat ke jogjes itu gue dikosan demam-demam cantik dan bersin-bersin. Emang ga se-fit itu buat capek-capek an. Jadi setelah sampai hotel gue ke kamar duluan biar cepat mandi dan istirahat sementara odreh dan mamanya beli wedang ronde (atau semacamnya) di abang depan hotel. Eh taunya pas gue abis mandi dan mamanya odri masuk kamar, beliau nanya "Tita marah ya sama Odri gara-gara salah dipesenin tadi?" and I was like, wo? Haha. Engga lah tante -.-
Keesokan harinya, sadly, short trip ini mesti berakhir. Sekitar jam 10 abang jowo taksi avanza itu jemput, lalu kita berangkat ke adisucipto dengan mampir ke rumah saudaranya Tante Santi lagi untuk mengambil 30 pieces lumpia surga dan gudeg untuk dibawa ke jakarta. Namun, kita inget ada 1 museum yang bangunannya eksentrik yang kemarin kita lewatin pas dari bandara ke malioboro, museum Affandi. Karena waktu dirasa masih mencukupi, kita memutuskan untuk mampir dulu ke museum Affandi.
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Difotoin mamanya odri lagi. Kita emang pasangan yang lack of willingness buat sering foto-foto. |
And then... Bye Jogja. See you again my lovely annual trip destination. :*
Ps: wait for us again in CGK-KL-CGK trip on August/September (damn I forgot) 2013. *wink*
Siapa yang ga familiar sama bebunyian ini, nadanya juga pasti udah kebayang
Gue pikir, ketika umur lu dan temen-temen lu udah beranjak 20 dan 21 (gue baru nginjek 20 taun 3 bulan yang lalu, wlee) hubungan antara laki-laki dan perempuan akan lebih mature, akan se dewasa itu. Tapi juga ternyata ngga. Entah gue yang berada di lingkungan yang salah, namun tetep, ketika datang pada tema 'naksir-naksiran' antar manusia berjenis kelamin perempuan dan laki-laki, tetep aja bakal muncul.. "CIEEE.." hahaha.
Alkisah tentang dongeng taksir-taksiran cewek dan cowok, tema ini digandrungi oleh semua kalangan, mulai dari yang belum bisa ngomong huruf R *adasih yang udah gede tetep ga bisa juga huaha ampuni daku*, sampe yang udah keriput dan giginya ompong lagi. Gue juga gatau kenapa soal taksir-menaksir merupakan hal yang selalu jadi menarik walau bukan yang utama. Ya, bukan yang utama, jakarta masih banjir, akses sekolah belum merata, masih ada yang kelaparan, diskriminasi masih lanjut, and so on and so on, tapi taksir-menaksir cinta-mencinta ini ga pernah kehilangan dayanya buat jadi pusat perhatian.
Memang, lucu. Orang yang lagi naksir orang lain itu seringkali lucu, orang yang salah tingkah itu seringkali lucu, meskipun mostly nanti-nantinya bakal berlanjut ketahap yang ga lucu, broken heart etc etc, tapi.... Entah kenapa bagi gue anugerah untuk adorably ditaksir dan naksir itu selalu.. Lucu. Gue ga bilang tentang sayang dan cinta dulu ya, agaknya kejauhan, pun gue gatau batasan suka sayang cinta itu sejauh apa jadi enaknya yang paling awal dulu lah, naksir
Waktu SD, walaupun ga seheboh anak-anak sekarang yang udah diracun coboy junior dan segala macem, bagi gue fase lucu taksir-menaksir dimulai dari sini. Malah mungkin ini masa-masa ini kali ya yang terlucu? Hihi. Rumah gue yang di bandung kan deket banget sama SD, pada suatu hari gue iseng jajan cakue (best cakue in the earth! suer deh!) di depan SD, mamang cakuenya udah kenal sama gue karena gue juga dulu murid SD situ dan udah sering bgt beli cakue si mamang (next time gue bikin liputan iseng jajanan SD terenak ya!). Sambil ngobrol sama mamangnya yang katanya anaknya mau masuk kuliah juga nungguin cakuenya mateng digoreng, gue liat ada segerombolan cilik-cilik tiga orang cewek dan dua orang cowok, beneran cilik, kayaknya sih baru kelas 3 gitu bukan yang kelas 6. Tampaknya si cowok ini naksir salah satu dari tiga cewek tersebut, kemudian didepan mamang cakue dan anak-anak lainnya yang lagi jajan, temen-temennya tanpa malu-malu teriak-teriak "CIEEE...". Si cowok-yang-kayaknya-naksir ini didorong-dorong sama temen cowoknya untuk mendekati si cewek. Sama halnya dengan cewek-yang-kayaknya-ditaksir ini juga didorong-dorong sama temen-temennya yang cewek untuk mendekati si cowok. Kebayang ga maksud gue scene nya kaya gimana? Haha. Entah anak-anak tersebut kebanyakan nonton sinetron atau SD gue aja yang alay, tapi liat pemandangan kayak gitu gue senyum-senyum sendiri. Lucu banget. Kalo di bandung ditambahin lagi satu kosakata yakni, "ADEEUUHH". Hihi.
Gue jadi inget, betapa gue juga pernah sepolos sebodoh itu dijaman SD, alkisah ada lelaki bernama Dicky yang ternyata satu SMP sama temen deket gue di kampus *dunia emang kadang sempit*, kala itu gue kelas lima SD telah menjalin hubungan dengannya, hubungan yang gak real samasekali. Haha. Jadi ceritanya tuh kan naksir, terus smsan, gue ingettt banget rasanya nungguin sms balesan dari dia itu gimana, kita tuker-tukeran buku diary (maakk! lucuk overload), jaman gue SD belum ada twitter dan fesbuk, smsan udah paling pol. Terus pada suatu hari... Dia berani nelfon kerumah gue. Astagataga, gue inget banget deg-degannya kayak apa tau. Sebagai anak SD yang total dalam bermain dan belajar, gue juga main kerumahnya dia, tapi ga berdua loh ya, berlima semacam nge-gank gitu ada dua cowok dan tiga cewek. Dan dia juga kerumah gue, terus jengukin pas gue sakit. Kyut ya? Emang rumahnya deketan gitu ceritanya. Berhubung dulu dirumah gue ada laptop bokap (yang masih beraat banget, laptop jadul), komputer kakak, printer, serta banyak buku ensiklopedi gaul, jadi kita kalo ngerjain tugas pasti prefer dirumah gue, se-gank gitu, masih pake disket! Lucu lah pokonya. Malemnya smsan, siangnya temenan. Naksir-naksirannya bener-bener polos, beranjak ke kelas enam, kita semuanya bimbel di Ganesha Operation ngambil kelas dan hari yang sama. Hahaha silly. Saat itu gue merasa nyaman smsan sama dia karena dia.. Pintar. Sering smsan pake bahasa inggris walaupun ancur, terus doi pernah kasih kaset yang isinya love songs semua, dulu itu sempet masa-masanya kaset kosong terus diisi lagu-lagu semau kita, inget ga? Apa gue doang ya. Ya terus dia ngasih dalam rangka apa gitu lupa, pokoknya ada lagu "she's the one" nya Robbie Williams yang bisa gue rewind terus karena lagunya enak banget. Nyetelnya di walkman kalo mau bobo. Ya Allah... Lucunya ga kuat :'). Gue ga ngerti juga 'putus'nya gimana caranya. Yang jelas kita SMP di kota yang berbeda, gue di SMP negeri, dia di boarding school. Ya sudahlah kita akhirnya lost contact entah bagaimana, gue juga lupa. Tapi kayaknya ga ada pihak yang merasa broken toh? Hihi.
Lanjut taksir menaksir di masa SMP.. Ini juga lucuk. Mungkin ada juga yang SD nya ga seheboh gue soal taksir menaksir dan baru mulai di SMP. Nah, menurut gue SMP ini adalah masa dimana nembak-pacaran-putus-nembak-pacaran-putus mencapai di cycle yang tercepat. Temen gue bisa aja loh pacaran dua hari terus langsung putus. Mahaha. Gak kalah silly, apalagi SMP udah bisa gegayaan jauh dari emak dan naik motor! Wusshh. Sama kayak SD, waktu SMP juga gengging genggingan semakin meruncing ya gak? Untung gue nemu inner circle yang gak kalah gaul dan lucuk *cium cindy resti amy mima* meskipun bodoh. Jaman SMP naksir-naksiran juga dilakukan secara intens. Kalo mau punya mantan yang out of nowhere yang bikin lo sekarang bisa mikir 'hah itu mantan gue apa?' ya lakukanlah pada saat SMP, saat kita terlalu bodoh dan semuanya termaafkan. Waktu SMP.. Ada lagi satu lelaki puber imut yang naksir. Awalnya gue ga terlalu yakin harus banget jadi pacarnya dia, tapi peer presure itu besar ya kan? Akhirnya gue nerima-nerima aja. Jahatnya, gue bahkan ga inget tanggal jadian, gue ga inget tanggal putus, gue ga inget berapa lama itu pacarannya, yang gue inget adalah gue pernah nulis di buku diary labil geng, bilang "ga suka, kayak turun kasta" karna mungkin si lelaki puber malang itu ga senyambung dan sepinter cowok yang dulu smsan sama gue pas SD itu. Pada suatu siang pulang sekolah, gue putusin deh. Krik. Kalo diinget-inget sayang juga, padahal cowok itu baik loh, baik dan ga brengsek samasekali..... Yasudahlah. Kemudian tolilnya gue jadian sama temen sekelas lagi... Yang notabene adalah temennya mantan gue itu. Yah.. Namanya juga remaja labil. Kalo yang ini pacarannya udah mulai nonton di bioskop berdua, jalan di mall, gitu-gitu deh. Karena doi bawa motor tapi setiap anter kerumah ga sampe depan rumah karena kita backstreet. Hahaha. Yang ini putusnya kenapa coba? Gue diduain. Krik. Karena doi juga ga tahan kali kalo sama gue mesti backstreet dan segala macem. Hihi. Tapi putus juga gue lempeng-lempeng aja kayanya. Turns out dia juga sekarang jadi alay.... Hiks.
Kemudian SMA, nah entah kepenasaran gue yang udah mulai surut akan taksir-menaksir ini, tapi di SMA gue sendiri justru bersih dari mantan. Yes. Waktu SMA gue aneh banget, suer. Mungkin urusan taksir-menaksir juga ada kaitannya dengan background hidup orang tersebut ya? Gue sengaja bikin diri sendiri sibuk banget. Sibuk. Banget. Ga akan sempetlah itu taksir-taksiran, brain triumph over heart. Dan.. Berhasil. Hihi. Di SMA ini taksir-menaksirnya udah beda. Udah pake hati istilahnya. Confession: gita cinta SMU emang yang paling sweet, udah cukup pinter buat tau caranya menyayangi orang lain, udah cukup dipercaya orangtua untuk menyayangi orang lain, dan udah cukup punya banyak daya akan diri sendiri, ini nih yang paling penting. Makanya ada beberapa kasus yang bisa langgeng sampe kuliah dan nikah. Nomnom. Tapi kadang... lebih berbahaya juga. Karena udah mulai bisa pake hati, jadi kalau putus, super lebih ga enak dari pas putus jaman bocah SD SMP. Ya kan?
Karena udah cukup panjang, tadinya gue mau berenti sampai pada SMA saja. Tapi.. Gue lupa. Kalo anak kuliah juga sebenernya ga gitu jauh kalo soal taksir-taksiran. Seperti line pembuka diatas, gue bilang kalo ternyata soal taksir-menaksir, mau anak SD SMP SMA kuliah atau kerja kantoran pun... Pasti bakal tetep lucuk. Pasti tetep salting. Pasti tetep pengen lompat-lompat rasanya kalau ada sinyal positif dari seseorang yang ditaksir. Pasti senyam senyum sendiri kalo dapet balesan atau disapa duluan. Pasti pengen tahan napas tau ada si doi di daerah kita berada. Ah... Kita ini :3
Gue sih berdoa aja, bahwa sedewasa apapun kita ini nanti dalam bertemu jodoh, jangan sampai kehilangan part (yang probably) terlucuk dari urusan taksir-menaksir ini. Let's beg the butterfly to stay. <3>3>
Don't stop believing!
This American musical comedy-drama series was introduced by friend of mine, Bowo, in 2009. I vaguely remember he was brought dvds to the class and in the middle of our small talk he said "you must watch it! trust me!". The other day we found ourselves singing True Colors (I see your truuee coloorss shining throuuugh) in Bowo's room and in the next next day we danced and sang (like crazy) in Large's home. Unconsciously, we became gleek that day. That was a bliss. (Sorry to say but Glee has became overrated now.)
Street light, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night
Sure I'm not alone. I'm not the only young spirit who suspected, accused, alleged, as a passionless youth. Bazillion people out there tell us about finding our passion. I'd say, screwed it.
Maybe sometimes we got confused cause some of our friends are master of something that we don't even know how to do that. I have some friends who are master of playing musics, they already know how to get rid of boredom or suckness in their entire life (they always know how to make me keep wow-ing because of their well played instruments), by playing music? Music is a part of their soul, they said. Same things happen with some of my friends who are part-time singer, damn they're actually really good, their voices make them going anywhere. Congrats. I have some friends who are master of.. Talking. Not just talk, particularly debate. They could deliver what they want to say, fluently, in front of many people, in front of the judges. How did they do this? By practicing of course, but yet in the first place they have a so-called-passion in this rhetorical area. I also have some friends who are awesomely stunning in writing every piece of their minds. Also sports, automotive, drawing, cooking, dancing, many things, they really are cool.
However, either they really make it as their life or a sideline of their main routine, they just already found what are they truly passionate about.
What about us?
What about us who didn't even know exactly what we will be after we graduate? What about us who living a mediocre life and being so-so in every area of life, never shine, never glare?
Like I've been said above, screwed it.
Screwed any opinions that crammed us the urge to find our passion.
It's okay to not have one. It's okay to being so-so in every area of life. It's okay to like many things but never really want to master it. It's okay to learn many things that never deliver ourselves the crown. It's okay to not achieving. It's okay.
There is no such prerequisite to live a life. Even without finding the mighty passion, we are all worthy.
Aren't we?
Maybe sometimes we got confused cause some of our friends are master of something that we don't even know how to do that. I have some friends who are master of playing musics, they already know how to get rid of boredom or suckness in their entire life (they always know how to make me keep wow-ing because of their well played instruments), by playing music? Music is a part of their soul, they said. Same things happen with some of my friends who are part-time singer, damn they're actually really good, their voices make them going anywhere. Congrats. I have some friends who are master of.. Talking. Not just talk, particularly debate. They could deliver what they want to say, fluently, in front of many people, in front of the judges. How did they do this? By practicing of course, but yet in the first place they have a so-called-passion in this rhetorical area. I also have some friends who are awesomely stunning in writing every piece of their minds. Also sports, automotive, drawing, cooking, dancing, many things, they really are cool.
However, either they really make it as their life or a sideline of their main routine, they just already found what are they truly passionate about.
What about us?
What about us who didn't even know exactly what we will be after we graduate? What about us who living a mediocre life and being so-so in every area of life, never shine, never glare?
Like I've been said above, screwed it.
Screwed any opinions that crammed us the urge to find our passion.
It's okay to not have one. It's okay to being so-so in every area of life. It's okay to like many things but never really want to master it. It's okay to learn many things that never deliver ourselves the crown. It's okay to not achieving. It's okay.
There is no such prerequisite to live a life. Even without finding the mighty passion, we are all worthy.
Aren't we?
Short Opening
Things has just scattered all over my head, my mind. Well this is a nice beginning of a-not-so-long holiday, I thought. Got a chance to doing nothing all day long became a really precious gift more than anything, doing nothing and thinking nothing, precisely. Weeks ago, I can't barely sleep due to final projects' deadline, I recklessly took 24 credits this semester where most of my friends only took 21 or 18 for the sake of keeping themselves sane. With bunch of non-academic stuffs I also enrolled myself, I'm already insane from the very beginning. So you guys don't waste your worry-ness for me. *split with a horrible smile holding pom-pom*
Fed up talking about my past, let's just summarize in a short explanation. 2012 has brought me into a better me. Many glimpse of luckiness I guess, also many disappointing moments happened, and that's okay. I could know myself better and that's what I really need to afford (most expensive thing I bought last year! Yeay).
What a sucks cliche lines above. I knew.
Whatever. The exciting things come from the future. Fu-future! *stutter and stammer*
Why I stuttered? Why I stammered? Cause me myself want to release all of my negative perspective upon life and that's kinda complicatdifficultbothersomed (okay new word invented). If I'm being asked what resolution I have for this year, like 20th years before, I have nothing. Or, if this could be counted as a resolution then I have one: being more positive. Yet I'm a big fan of Yin and Yang, I believe we're surrounded by too much negative auras. Hatred, gluttony, wrath, greed, sloth, prejudice, anything. So that I want become an entity who, at the very least, always remember the urgency about being positive. Simple but tricky.
A late piece of a new year thingy, huh? Hope this is apologetically approved cause it's still January anyway. Well then have an amazing year ahead, fellas. *big grin*
Fed up talking about my past, let's just summarize in a short explanation. 2012 has brought me into a better me. Many glimpse of luckiness I guess, also many disappointing moments happened, and that's okay. I could know myself better and that's what I really need to afford (most expensive thing I bought last year! Yeay).
What a sucks cliche lines above. I knew.
Whatever. The exciting things come from the future. Fu-future! *stutter and stammer*
Why I stuttered? Why I stammered? Cause me myself want to release all of my negative perspective upon life and that's kinda complicatdifficultbothersomed (okay new word invented). If I'm being asked what resolution I have for this year, like 20th years before, I have nothing. Or, if this could be counted as a resolution then I have one: being more positive. Yet I'm a big fan of Yin and Yang, I believe we're surrounded by too much negative auras. Hatred, gluttony, wrath, greed, sloth, prejudice, anything. So that I want become an entity who, at the very least, always remember the urgency about being positive. Simple but tricky.
A late piece of a new year thingy, huh? Hope this is apologetically approved cause it's still January anyway. Well then have an amazing year ahead, fellas. *big grin*
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