9 May 2019

I never feel the need to distinguish one type of love from another. But in order to evolve as an individual, we actually need to label what we feel and experience. As time goes by, the ability to determine which state we're in or what feeling we're experiencing will help us perceive our life better. It gives a satisfying illusion that we're in control.

Not until I encountered the concept of twin flames, the urge to write our short beautiful journey ever emerged.

When I came across the concept, I immediately got an epiphany on what I've been trying to make sense.

Me and him, we never really share our past together. But I feel like I've known him all along. I feel like he knows me better than anyone who've been actually knowing me for a longer time. The familiarity that creeps beneath his presence is filling me with awe.

In fact, we have already met. But we overlooked each other. We weren't that receptive at that time. I'm busy with my own, not at all conscious of the people I met. Though I must admit that our quick rendezvous effortlessly stored in my cortex as long-term memory.

Our reunion happened out of the blue. At that state, I was plain tired. Not really heart-broken but a little bit wrecked by inexplicable grief.

And talking to him feels like home. I'm fully aware that we were magnetically attracted to each other. The attractiveness is beyond physical. It's an immediate connection that appealing to the senses. Resonate with on the deepest level.

Every time we're together, I'm able to be just my authentic-self far from the fear of rejection. In a world full of pretentious judgement, it is such a safe place to be in.

So yeah. Twin Flames.

Originated in Plato's mythic dialogue "The Symposium", it implies that we all have one twin soul out there in the world. Different from a soul mate, the purpose of the twin flame relationship is greater than themselves.

I always feel like I don't need others to complete me. And it's true.
We don't complete each other. Our souls are already complete on their own.
We exist to catalyze the wholeness that has always been inside of us.

We're driven towards a higher purpose to achieve together. Raising conscious children. Constantly improve ourselves. Towards the world full of compassion, tranquillity, and love.

We are bonded but free, attached but unattached.

There are many types of love that human capable of having. I love many humans throughout my life but this one has no similar comparison.

Twin Flames. I've found mine.

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