bersyukur harusnya ga pake kata tapi

gw amat sangat bersyukur bisa kuliah di universitas indonesia di jurusan yang gw minati.
tapi, the fact is the fact. yang sedang gw hadapi adalah sesuatu yang manusia biasa hadapi. siapa yang suka perpisahan?
semua hal yang ada di bandung ini udah terlalu manis. tempat tinggal, tempat makan(loh), tempat main, tempat-tempat, dan yang paling penting: temen-temen.
mengingat nanti akan melewatkan begitu banyak momen (osis things, berapa juta buka bareng, dan lain-lain, dan lain-lain), dari sononya itu sesek muncul (eh bukan kambuh tapi ye maksudnya). ohya, meninggalkan cinta juga (naon).
darisitu gw bertekad: gak boleh jadi sampah di ui
tuh ya gw bold. i have to push myself as hard as i can.

wish me luck.

my heart is fine. thank you for asking.



I’ve been staring at my laptop about an hour. Why it’s so difficult to change my thought into a words? It’s just a tasks from my new school, oh my it’s not school, it’s college, university. You may call it ui. UI is a phrase that makes thousand butterfly flew in my stomach, I said ‘auch auch don’t say that name’, but everyone (include me *sigh) will say it because UI mean so much to us (it’s like when you fallin in love with someone. my pathethic life make all this happen, can I be in love with someone not something oh please dear God?). okay, you may see a little effect from that phrase (UI). First of all, I’ve been waiting about SIX MONTHS, from the yuppy-day-of-announcement about ppkb’s things till now. I can’t hardly wait what a campus living is like. But someday, come a destroyer, drr drr drr.. you know what? This FISIP tasks! Haha maybe I just being superfluous (I feel like Rachel Berry -,-). From day and day, I keep quiet and being optimist this tasks will be well handle. But in this night, this second, I turn 180 degree. It’s so difficult :(. I can’t do this well, honestly. This lack of knowledge make me want to say ‘die die you die’. Watch this, my interests is on this one: the role of civil society in the development of democracy in Indonesia. It’s one of theme you can choose (fyi, there’s still six others essay waiting you to write them baby), those ‘democracy’ word is curious for me. I read many things about democracy and found it interesting. Probably for the first time in history ‘democracy’ is claimed as the proper ideal description of all systems of political and social organization advocated by influential proponents (Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik, Miriam Budiarjo). What a world, ‘democracy’ is happen in all over the world, there are constitutional democracy and communism democracy, what we know about democracy is some shape of freedom, rite? Ironically, democracy is speak about rule of law. Freedom without a law is catastrophy. Indonesian people didn’t understand this yet, they often do what they want with a name of ‘democracy’ without really understand what democracy is. And oh yea civil society, don’t mean it fastly. I read about civil society (in my sister’s books ehehe) and find it complicated. Civil society is a society governed by law (under the authority of state), there are many theories about it. Till I read about social movement theories and lost myself there, what am I searching about? Yeah it’s just me and my dumb head feel this, maybe others can do this tasks easily. Ha, at least I stop staring at my laptop and write something (trash). Haha

ex nihilo nihil fit

nothing comes from nothing.
is a philosophical expression of a thesis first argued by Parmenides, often stated in its Latin form: ex nihilo nihil fit. It is associated with ancient Greek cosmology, such as presented not just in the opus of Homer and Hesiod, but also in virtually every philosophical system – there is no time interval in which a world didn't exist, since it couldn't be created ex nihilo in the first place. Note that Greeks also believed that things cannot disappear into nothing, just as they can't be created from nothing, but if they ceased to exist, they transform into some other form of being. We can trace this idea to the teaching of Empedocles. Today the idea is loosely associated with the laws of conservation of mass and energy.
(wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

once nothing. nothing forever. can i make you understand?


3 bandung social class

berprestasi bisa dimana aja yaga? mau ipa mau ips, tergantung orangnya. dan angkatan 2010 ini SMA3 kewalahan karna yang jadi anak ips sebanding jumlahnya kaya kelas-kelas ipa biasa. meski ga nyampe 2 kelas (kalo nyampe wih gilo kiamat sebentar lagi), 38 orang. biasanya cuma nyampe belasan. itu aja sih udah bikin beda (hail quantity). nah di penghujung keringat ini boleh dong gue liatin track recordnya kita? here it is (pelampiasan, abis gaktahan pengen liatin ini ke guru-guru. haha)

Adipraja Al-Rasyid ITB SBM

Sendra Hestiningrum ITB FSRD


Vanny Revita UNIV. INDONESIA Kriminologi

Khobbab UNIV. INDONESIA Ilmu Politik

Laras Sekar Melati UNIV. INDONESIA Psikologi

Muhammad Iqbal UNIV. INDONESIA Hub. Internasional

Silpia Hendiana UNIV. INDONESIA Ekonomi

Tita Adelia UNIV. INDONESIA Ilmu Politik

Zenit Julita Sari UNIV. INDONESIA Arkeologi

Sarah Rahmawati UNJANI Psikologi

Ahmad Muhammad UNPAD Akuntansi

Andiani Cindy UNPAD Fikom

Aristya Michiko UNPAD Hukum

Desak Made Widya UNPAD Sastra Jerman

Feryan Herlangga UNPAD Akuntansi

Muhammad Haidar UNPAD Management

Raden Faizal Amir UNPAD Management

Rian Hernamawan UNPAD Hub. Internasional

Rizqi Bangun Lestari UNPAD Hukum

Shafira Anjani UNPAD Fikom

Yosua Triando UNPAD Akuntansi

Aldrian Dwi Putra UNPAD Akuntansi

Annisa Rachmawati UNPAD Ekonomi Pembangunan

Bunga Erditha UNPAR Hukum

Casenda UNPAR Hukum

Kadek Ayu UNPAR Hub. Internasional

Khansa UNPAR Hub. Internasional

Meutia Octavia UNPAR Management

Nadia Putri Laksmi UNPAR Hub. Internasional

Paramita Avianti UNPAR Hukum

Prabowo Prajogio UNPAR Hub. Internasional

Mochammad Yusuf UNPAR Management

Arya Mayadi UPI Psikologi

Aulia Ikhsanti UPI Bahasa Inggris

Kania Nandika UPI Bahasa Indonesia

Bayu Rahmawan

Muhammad Faza

*itu bocah lagi nunggu pengumuman STAN, belom keluar.

guys, we made History! we are The most AWESOME social generation EVER in SMAN 3 Bandung! so proud of you guys!
Socials 3 2010, we proofed our teachers wrong. we done it guys! we made a HUGE impact! ;)

thats why i love being different, fantastic.
ibu bapak ayah mama, janan atut anaknya masuk ips (khususnya di 3 ya), bukan berarti ga akan sukses ko. *wink
apalagi melatih mental, bener deh serius, buat survive di dunia nyata yang penuh intrik bullshit dan taktik. (muahaha)

taken from prabowo's notes.


here it is

here is the situation, way too much change.
the good news is, i use my heart not my head. till the college things really begin.
the bad news is, i'm in a little loose control of myself. i let everything gone beyond. everything that in the past i would never slid over.
the thing is, my poker face makes everything seems to be the same, outside.



diam semuanya, gua lagi berandai-andai.
seandainya waktu kelas satu, gua gak sok-sok an ikutan banyak ekskul. apa yang terjadi?
masuk aksel! yea, masuk kelas akselerasi. what the.. (cewek gantung)
ini andai-andaian kan ya, jgn ada yg protes deh.
setelah itu, pasti gua rajin belajar ya. pasti nyokap bokap lebih seneng liat gua yang itu deh (mulai melankolis).
setelah hidup mati untuk akademis, apa seterusnya?
masuk gajah! yea, masuk universitas kesatu di indonesia versi metrotv.
setelah itu, apa?
gak tau. yang pasti kalo itu semua terjadi, gua gak lagi bangun sekarang tapi lagi tidur lelap dikasur.

(nahlooooh, kaga ngarti kaga usah pusing, ini emang gak penting, suruh siapa masuk2 blog orang kayak maling)


jadi gini ceritanya.


aaa, gua gakbisa cerita orangnya. -,-
iya, jadi postingan ini tuh mau nyeritain gua yang orangnya gakbisa cerita.
sekarang kan yang lagi populer itu frase, "cerita ateuuh"
nah dari situ langsung zetzetzet keinget.
bukan cuma cerita, pokoknya hal-hal yang berbau ngomong gua cacat deh.
sering banget(bangetbanget, eh haha lebay) gua belibet ngomong. ketuker posisi kata. ga nemu kata yang pengen ngewakilin apa yang ada di otak. ga nemu kata apa-apa buat diomongin(khususnya perihal basa-basi). buat peribahasa diam itu emas gua setubuh banget deh. tapi jadinya maknanya gak bagus sih, orang gua diem karena gak tau mesti ngomong apa.
hal ini nyambung juga ke gua yang gak punya ekspresi.
kayanya waktu pembagian syaraf ekspresi gua gak dateng deh, ketiduran.
banyaak banget orang yang ragu, lu teh sakit? lu teh takut? lu teh seneng? iyeeee gua waktu itu sakit, pernah juga takut, sering juga seneng. ko kaga percaya sih? jawabannya ampir sama. abis muka lu datar, kaga ada ekspresinya.
yek, bagus. sekarang pun gua lagi nyari perbendaharaan kata, selain 'oh' kalau nanggepin orang cerita.
terus gak ngerti deh kenapa gua bisa lolos2an hal-hal yang sebenernya orang yg kaya begini kaga akan bisa lolos (ngomong ape).

haha, ya pokonya, manusia pembelajar kaga akan pernah berenti belajar. :DD


tolong nasehatin saya lagi

lebih kagum pada yang jago mendengarkan daripada yang jago berbicara.
yea really, ngedengerin itu susah. buat gua susah, seringnya gua mager depan yang ngomong, bukan ngedengerin (akhirnye jujur). seringnya orang menunggu saat menganggapi, bukan menikmati saat orang lagi berbicara, apalagi saat forum. seringnya orang menganggap sudah tau apa yang dibicarakan orang lain, jadi ga dengan bener ngedengerin. seringnya orang pura-pura ngedengerin. gua pengen jago ngedengerin, gua pengen ngedengerin lagi, oya, gua juga kangen dinasehatin, dikasi saran, kapan sih terakhir kali. :/


RT @febiaputri: dulu aja pas masih dilarang,punya pacar. sekarang udah boleh ga punya pacar #sepikgila #fekmenguegalau

*apa ini maksud ketawanya? haha


aw sedih


mr. google

what do you feel today?
between Marseille and Genoa
South France
you mean.. (googling)
haha yeah
so fast
what fast?
i guess you do googling
you damn right!
cause i soo often doing it too