“Only 23 percent of the American people would like to see their children go into politics as a life’s work.” Austin Ranney, 1987.
While lobbying, violence, and demonstration are modes of political actions we have known in everyday life, people tend to take the politics meaning slightingly. What is the real meaning of politics? In previous way, politics is the way to make a good life, also called en dam onia in Greek. Politics was used to describe how people distribute the limited environments to the unlimited wants of humankind then now became pretty organized called governments. Nowadays, ‘politics’ have a poor reputation because there’s just a few people who really know what the true politics is.
Persuading public officials to act as the group wish is the significance of lobbying. It is a direct efforts to get a decision-maker follow what the group wants which is refer to needs of society. In a political world, there are many sides who determine a public policy. If politicians cannot lobby all of sides, the needs of society cannot be done completely. The main target of lobbying is legislator, but others sides like executives and administrators are also must be approached by politicians.
Politic and violence, in implicit or explicit kind of way, are always been close partners. Politics seems like a knife if we would make an analogy of it. A knife in a right hand could be so useful that can be used for cooking, cutting roses, or helps a doctor doing surgery. But in a wrong hand, it could be so harmful that can kill a human being. A true politician would not make ‘violence’ be the close partners with ‘politics’, violence is totally rejected as a tactic and never to be used in any circumstance to make a good life or a good society.
Overreactions from the opposite groups and from the police are quite annoying while demonstration held. That’s why many people disparage demonstration as a nonsense activity which is counted as a political action. But are they know? Demonstration is one of democracy’s channel to represent groups needs while in the other way they can’t utter their voices. The cause of overreactions unfortunately emerged from they who provoke to switch the issue or bend the minorities voices.
Now we have know that the reason why people avoiding ‘politics’ is because, most of people have a wrong comprehension about politics. A poor reputation of politics is emerged by politicians who didn’t have a wide knowledge about what the true politics is like. The thing is, we must accept the fact that creating a good life is not easy. So don’t avoid it, learn and face it!
I must study politics and war, that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.. in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, and architecture.. John Adams, 1780.