Why Common People Avoiding ‘Politics’?

“Only 23 percent of the American people would like to see their children go into politics as a life’s work.” Austin Ranney, 1987.

While lobbying, violence, and demonstration are modes of political actions we have known in everyday life, people tend to take the politics meaning slightingly. What is the real meaning of politics? In previous way, politics is the way to make a good life, also called en dam onia in Greek. Politics was used to describe how people distribute the limited environments to the unlimited wants of humankind then now became pretty organized called governments. Nowadays, ‘politics’ have a poor reputation because there’s just a few people who really know what the true politics is.
Persuading public officials to act as the group wish is the significance of lobbying. It is a direct efforts to get a decision-maker follow what the group wants which is refer to needs of society. In a political world, there are many sides who determine a public policy. If politicians cannot lobby all of sides, the needs of society cannot be done completely. The main target of lobbying is legislator, but others sides like executives and administrators are also must be approached by politicians.
Politic and violence, in implicit or explicit kind of way, are always been close partners. Politics seems like a knife if we would make an analogy of it. A knife in a right hand could be so useful that can be used for cooking, cutting roses, or helps a doctor doing surgery. But in a wrong hand, it could be so harmful that can kill a human being. A true politician would not make ‘violence’ be the close partners with ‘politics’, violence is totally rejected as a tactic and never to be used in any circumstance to make a good life or a good society.
Overreactions from the opposite groups and from the police are quite annoying while demonstration held. That’s why many people disparage demonstration as a nonsense activity which is counted as a political action. But are they know? Demonstration is one of democracy’s channel to represent groups needs while in the other way they can’t utter their voices. The cause of overreactions unfortunately emerged from they who provoke to switch the issue or bend the minorities voices.
Now we have know that the reason why people avoiding ‘politics’ is because, most of people have a wrong comprehension about politics. A poor reputation of politics is emerged by politicians who didn’t have a wide knowledge about what the true politics is like. The thing is, we must accept the fact that creating a good life is not easy. So don’t avoid it, learn and face it!

I must study politics and war, that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.. in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, and architecture.. John Adams, 1780.


Salahin twitter yang bikin gue susah nulis lagi. Otak gue jadi mengkeret di 140 karakter.
Atau salahin otak gue yang terlalu banyak syarat kalau mau nulis lebih 140 karakter. Dulu ga perlu banyak cingcong, nulis ya tulis. Sekarang gue kebanyakan standar. Baca buku ga beres-beres. Literasi kualitas sampah.



What I think

If you really believe in God. So why you let your anger took over you. He never want you to do so.
If you really have a faith. So why you let a little problem freaking you out. So why you keep arguing an inessential things.
If you really do shalat. So why you dirt your heart with those prejudice. So what's the point of being egoist.

That's what I think. The world may generalize it as 'phlegmatic'.


Dear God

I'm sick of people being stubborn and selfish at the same time.
Because... I can't.


From my dearest lecturer

Dear All,

Nilai mata kuliah Statistik Sosial 1 telah dipublish, silahkan diperiksa.
Sebagai catatan mata kuliah MPS memiliki prasyarat lulus mata kuliah Statistik Sosial 1.
Buat yang belum lulus harap mengambil setelah lulus statistik 1, jadi tidak bisa mengambil MPS untuk semester besok (semester 3)

Buat yang lulus tapi nilainya C, disarankan untuk mengulang statistik baru mendaftar MPS. Karena nilai C sebetulnya nilainya masih dibawah 60.

Perhatikan, banyak sekali yang tidak membuat dan mengupload tugas di files milis statistik dan berakibat tidak adanya nilai partisipasi dan tugas kalian. MPS sangat mendasarkan diri pada pengumpulan tugas di milis di bagian files, jadi jangan diulangi lagi.

Selamat liburan dan salam,


Selamat liburan mas, terimakasih C+ nya.


"According to Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, in the ancient world of myth there were three types of people," Oshima says. "Have you heard about this?"
"In ancient times people weren't just male or female, but one of three types: male/male, male/female, or female/female. In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people. Everyone was happy with this arrangement and never really gave it much thought. But then God took a knife and cut everybody in half, right down the middle. So after that the world was divided just into male and female. The upshot being that people spend their time running around trying to locate their missing other half."
"Why did God do that?"
"Divide people into two? You got me. God works in mysterious ways. There's that whole wrath-of-God thing, all that excessive idealism and so on. My guess is it was punishment for something. Like in the Bible. Adam and Eve and the fall and so forth."
"Original sin." I say.
"That's right, original sin." Oshima holds his pencil between his middle and index fingers, twirling it ever so slightly as if testing the balance. "Anyway, my point is that it's really hard for people to live their lives alone."

Kafka on The Shore, one of Haruki Murakami's book.


The way of think

*deep breathe*
I think what should I do is refresh my way of think.
Trapped in a horrible way of think cage? Dad never teach me to be.


Shallow contemplation

Somehow, I may seems pretty understand how to live a life.

I may seems quite religious. Use my veil anywhere I go, ignoring hundred temptations easily. Do shalat. Avoid every little things that leads me to the prohibitted one. Didn't smoke, didn't drink, never been kissed by someone, seems never dissapointing my parents or all.
I may seems really responsible. Never leave something undone, no matter how hard it is. Always try to choose things maturely as much as I could. Considerately. Like, yesterday in a school things, in a college things nowadays, self development thingy, or friendship, relationship, everything.

So I may seems pretty understand how to live a life.

But, you know?
The truth is, I don't.
My life is an accumulation of luckiness. A chance, a moment, is all that shaped me to be what I may seems like.

I always feels so weak, you now?
So that I know I always need you. Strengthening me.

Em. This is a shallow contemplation yet a very deep confession.



nemu dari tumblrnya teh tristi.
ini adalah masa dimana mau-maunya tesla dan large jadi model cover buletin literatur 3.
buletin ini yang bikin wakasek kesiswaan senewen, "kamu ketua literatur? kalau buletin ini dibawa keluar sekolah tidak sengaja bagaimana? mana ada anak 3 yang manjat pagar begini untuk mabal sekolah!"
lu aja gatau. jawab gue dalam hati.

ah, kangen. still they do literacy?

nothingness (err, hate that phrase cause it feels so emo)

So this is so-and-so much tiring days in the city I choose to spend my college time at. My belly feels little empty, but I pretty sure I’m yet that lazy to buy some food downstairs. But then I remembered my promise to my boyfriend about eating stuffs, so I take my jacket and go downstairs searching for something to eat. It’s already, like, about eight o’clock, P.M of course.

I can’t called it holiday, but yes, many students had finished their academic thingy for this semester. So in the time like this, which is eight P.M, the street seems pretty vacant and a little bit dark than usually. I walked alone with my wallet and hand phone both in my right hand, my head was thinking about many-many things that could be thought. First popping question is, why I stay here when bunch of my friends go back their home? Easy to answer, it’s because I still have several responsibilities here, not a hard thing to do, I confess. But yeah, it could make me stay here at the end. Then why I still have those several responsibilities when my friend can freely go back their home doing some fun things? By this question, I trapped in the shallow pond of insecurity. Rat was run over my feet, makes me little bit startled.

Why you always be like this, ta? This question couldn’t wait patiently to be answered. But I won’t answer instead of giving a question. Always be like what? What do you try to bring me to? I stated a rhetorical question.
Always be like this, pick some responsibilities, phlegmatically do several things that others wouldn’t do, where the heck are the benefit for you? For your friends? For your parents? Why you always want to do some little things that just make you tired? And remember, no one notice about what you’ve already done.

I take a very deep breath. I let the question pouring me down. I have nothing to do with the answers. I just realized asking question is much easy than giving a rational answers. I didn’t wanna think about the answer. To be honest, I didn’t wanna think about anything, I was hungry and search some food to eat. That’s all.

Where the heck is your achievement? It been a year and you still have nothing to makes your parents proud about. Winning something? Be a delegate of something something? Being someone something?
It been a year and you still have nothing to makes your parents proud about.
It been a year and nothing to makes your parents proud.
It been a year and nothing.
It been a year.

I decided to buy some bread to eat. I was just able to eat something light, suddenly.

Where the heck is your achievement?
What are you doing in this whole year, tita adelia?

Nothing. I finally answered.
I just do some sightseeing look for something interesting in this great diversity of humanity and love properly the peoples I loved. That’s all what I do.

I gobbled the bread. Drinking some water, then continuing read a book like I always do to spend the lonely night.
So um, may I say sorry for my nothingness?