
One post before this, I mentioned that I religiously watch many youtube channels specifically in family theme. One thing I realised is I really am obsessed with family matters. Remember my undergraduate thesis about child care policy in Norway? Children, family, parents, and its relationships really got my attention. Wow. I should have majoring psychology back then. (I'm six years late for considering these things) (And still, the major I'm going to take for postgrad isn't related at all with subjects mentioned. What do I do with my life?)

This time I want to write down some difference of how this family raise their kids compared to general fact here or even my own experience. I picked one of the best (and the first, apparently) family vlog channel in youtube.

1. Dependance of Mbak
Talk about middle-upper class family, kids in here are generally not familiar with household tasks or chores. They got their clothes clean and folded effortlessly, food served, and room cleaned. It is very amusing for me to see how Shay and Collete educate their kids to be responsible and take part in household tasks. I like to see how the kids pack their own lunch, help their mom to take care of the younger siblings, take out trash, clean their own room, or even do the laundry. You might not find it in every episode (yeah I told you that I have binge-watched enough this channel so that I can make a writing out of it), but I see those activities done naturally in the background of the vlog from year to year (they have been vlogging their life since 2008, fyi). They are rich as hell but the kids don't even depend themselves to Mbak to make indomi. Kidding. There's no indomi yet in their vlog.

2. Encouragement
Shay and Collete rarely discourage their kids to do things unless it is very dangerous and could harm their kids. I found it very inspiring. The kids become brave and daring, in a good way. Though the level of brave is different from one kid to the others, still, they have a good foundation for being fearless. I instantly recalled my own experience when I was little when I'm watching them. I constantly heard many discouragement from ih jangan kesitu, takut, takut nanti ada nenek sihir to ih jangan takut jatoh that stop me to do many things. I don't regret my own childhood tho, cause I knew the reason of the discouragement is because my parents love me that much. But in the future, if I have a chance to raise my own kids, I prefer Shay and Collete way in terms of encouragement. Fly, jump, climb, run, try.

3. Physical Activities
To some extent, this is correlated with the point before. Seven years old Avia can do back flip on a grass. The kids do run one mile with their dad once a while. It is a rare thing here to see kids involve in a physical activities with their own parents. They don't have to be athlete tho. And they don't have to be skinny! (interesting huh) The most important thing is that they are physically active. I'm sad if I see any kids who are prohibited to run here and there. Then what they are supposed to do? Sit tight forever and play video game? Sad.

4. Communication
You should watch this episode (7:06) to see how they build their communication with the kids. It is so cute and touching at the same time. Argh. Communication goals. It is so frustrating for me every time I have to talk with my own parents. Because we don't talk that much and I always think, from the very beginning of my teenage-hood, that they didn't get me. Now I write in one point of view as kid because I can't talk about being parents, I'm not there yet. It becomes more frustrating even when I become an adult. Problems in life become so complicated and I need someone to turn into. In the state I am now, I can't talk with my own parents about my problems unless it is very urgent. I think most of my friends are in the similar condition. I want my future kids to feel that there is actually someone trusted who always available for them to turn into. Because I know that life is sometimes mean. Very mean.

Well, that is my simple observation about one of my favourite youtube channel. Four difference highlighted. Out of topic, if you are interested to know about child adoption (which is a very awesome knowledge) (I myself just found it today) watch this one and thank me later.